Face lift surgery is an all-encompassing cosmetic surgery term that involves procedures for facial features . including cheeks, brows, lips, and everything in between. All of which can be a great way to give yourself a more youthful appearance and regain that confidence you deserve in your looks. With that being said , you must give yourself the appropriate time to recover to achieve the best results. You are still undergoing an invasive procedure, even if it is just for cosmetic purposes. Below you will find some important information and tips to ensure that you are prepared as possible for when it comes time for your face lift recovery period.
Preparing a New Daily Routine
This one may seem obvious to many of our patients, but we guarantee that something is always forgotten when recovery time comes around. You will experience general swelling and soreness after any variety of face lift surgery. This means your day-to-day routine is going to be much more involved than it typically is. Bending over to grab things or how sleep suddenly becomes more complicated. That’s why it’s a great idea to have clothing picked out ahead of time and in an area that is easy to reach. This saves time going through a closet or dresser and keeps you from exerting yourself any more than you have to. This goes double for where you keep your food or snacks. We encourage our patients to do some meal prepping and stock up on some softer foods that are easier to chew. That way, you are overworking your face by moving your jaw more than you need to. These may seem like little details, but the more you can keep your face still and relaxed during recovery, the quicker you get to enjoy the results without complications.
Allocating Sufficient Time
With that being said, it’s important to not be in a hurry after your procedure(s) is/are done. Some face lift surgery involves multiple procedures in one sitting or over weeks. In either case, it will always take some tine to recover after your procedure. Typically, this takes on the pattern of more intense feelings between the 24 and 48 hours mark. This is when swelling and bruising will be most prevalent. Having everything prepped and ready ahead of time is going to come in handy.
From there, the first week is about resting and recovery, whereas the second week is about slowly returning to normal. Moving from light exercise/movement, to going back to work, and in general feeling better overall. Full recovery typically is between four and six weeks, but this all depends on the level of procedures you’ve had and how your body is handling recovery.
Throughout this time, it is important to rest and give your body the time it needs. But what can be even more crucial is having open communication with Dr. Brown and our team at Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center. Letting us know how you’re feeling during your recovery allows us to alter your recovery plans accordingly. If after a procedure you feel that something isn’t right, you must reach out to us. Typically it’s nothing more than getting used to the feelings of recovery, but on the rare chance that it’s something else, we want to make sure you get the care you deserve.
You can schedule your first consultation at the Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center in Henderson, NV, by calling us at 702-260-7707. We can’t wait to hear from you!